We’re so glad you are pursuing an Undergraduate Certificate with us! This page is your one-stop-shop for information about how to make the most of your certificate and connect with our team and your peers!
Your advisor for your daVinci Certificate is Mary-Chris Escobar.
- Email: escobarmc@vcu.edu
- In-person office hours and information about scheduling appointments linked here.
Here’s how to view your certificate in DegreeWorks: use the little drop down where your degree is listed in the top right corner (see picture below) and choose “Baccalaureate Certificate”:
A Few Important Things to Know about Your Certificate (don’t worry, we’ll send email reminders about this periodically- no need to memorize this list!)
- The Pass/Fail grade option cannot be used for courses that are required for the certificate (this includes MKTG 301 and ECON 205 for the Product Innovation business requirement).
- INNO 460 and VNTR 460 will always look closed in the registration system, because you have to be given an override into them. Mary-Chris will reach out to you about this near registration. You can also always email her for an override.
- You will need to complete the graduation checkout process for both your major and your daVinci certificates at the beginning of the semester that you are planning to graduate. You will get an email with details about this.
- All daVinci Students get a weekly email from VCU da Vinci Center for Innovation with the subject line Weekly Opportunities this is the single best way to keep up with ALL our events! We host networking nights, design jams, meditation sessions, training programs, & events with community partners-- there is ALWAYS something going on and you’re ALWAYS welcome. Jump on in!
- Get involved at Shift Retail Lab ((at 1235 W. Broad St, across from the Siegel Center).
- Have a business or product idea? Apply to be a Shelfie.
- Don’t have an idea right now- no problem! You can provide amazing support to your peers by attending a Feedback Friday Session and giving your insights.
- Co-work at Shift! Looking for a cool and inspiring place to work on projects/papers/homework and meet other daVinici students-- you can come co-work in the Shift Retail Lab, anytime during open hours (hours posted at the bottom of this page). Bring a friend!
All daVinci certificate students have 24/7 access to our Makerspace at 807 S. Cathedral place. Just scan in with your VCU ID. Use the space to meet with your daVinci team or as a bonus space on campus just for you to get work done.
- We have 3D printers, a laser cutter, computers/printer, a Cricket, sewing machine, woodshop tools and more! Learn more about our facilities here.
- Please make sure you are trained before using the equipment.
Training on 3D printers and the laser cutter are available through The Workshop in the library. If you need to schedule training on anything else in our makerspace, contact our Office Manager, Stephanie Danis at sdanis@vcu.edu.
ALL VCU Students can have access to Adobe Creative Cloud for FREE! All the details are here!